Moneta 34

History and Coin Finds in Georgia, Late Roman and Byzantine hoards (4th – 13th c.)

Izolda Tsukhishvili, Georges Depeyrot

This volume is the inventory of the Byzantine hoards found on the territory of Georgia. Buried from 350 to 1224, nineteen hoards are catalogued and listed. A general survey details the history of Byzantine Georgia and two chapters describe the coin circulation in this part of the Transcaucasia.

Many hoards of gold coins were found. The Byzantine silver hoards were sometimes mixed with Sasanian coins. During the last part of the period, many bronze coins were hoarded. The volumes stops with the first large local bronze issues.

Izolda Tsukhishvili is member of the Institute of Archaeology, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Georges Depeyrot is researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.

Izolda Tsukhishvili, Georges Depeyrot
MONETA 34, 108 pages, 10 plates, maps, graphics,
120 euros
ISBN 90-77297-03-0